What is Project Management for Software Implementation? 

Did you know that only 46% of businesses make project management a priority? Surprising stat considering there is statistical proof that a well-executed project management process can make all the difference to your project. 

Regardless of the size of your software development team, there are many moving parts involved with any new software project.  

This leaves a small margin of error, and implementing project management into your software development process is the easiest and most reliable way to keep your projects on track. 

With PRINCE2 qualified project managers, Equinox Consulting can aid with any of your software-related projects. We can work alongside internal project managers, or alternatively, we can manage your project in its entirety. What a relief! 

Firstly, what is Project Management?  

Project management is the process of leading and structuring work so that teams can achieve their goals and objectives by using specific knowledge and skills to deliver value and, more importantly, RESULTS. 

This involves everything from motivation and tracking progress to resolving potential issues and bottlenecks. 

One key difference between project management and traditional management is that the former has a tangible deliverable and a finite time frame, while the latter is ongoing. 

What is Software Project Management?  

Project management for software is dedicated to the planning, scheduling, resource allocation, execution, tracking, and delivery of software and web projects. It differs from traditional project management in the sense that software development projects have a unique lifecycle. 

This unique lifecycle requires rounds of testing, as well as constant updating based on stakeholder and or customer feedback. 

What are the Benefits of Project Management?  

If you’re in software development, you know that it’s essential to create quality software fast, keep costs within budget, and deliver everything as scheduled. 

The only way to do this is to have the proper project management tools with the right person in charge of project management.  

Without a proper project management process, teams may end up falling behind timelines and failing to meet deliverables. This is because software development projects are complex, with many moving parts and processes to track and report.  

You may already be experiencing this and are on the lookout for a solution. Equinox Consulting has been called in many times to save the day when other project management consultants have failed to execute the deliverables. 

Good project management essentially helps every aspect of your business function better because team members can focus on what they do best. As a result, they are more productive, on time, and within budget.  

Benefits of project management for software teams:  

  • Clarity: Clear and organised planning improves collaboration within your team. 
  • Goals: Defining clear milestones to ensure that deadlines are achieved, which eliminates any confusion within the entire project team. 
  • Communication: Providing support for a clear communication plan. This ensures that all stakeholders and users are all aware of the progress within the project and the millstones that will affect them. 
  • PM Software: Market-leading PM software allows members of your team to access and review tasks and plan progress. 

How can Equinox Consulting help?  

With many years of experience, our Project management solutions are provided to meet your required specifications. We can run projects for you or communicate with your internal project management teams to provide technical expertise and support.  

For example, as part of our project management service, our PM (project manager) and your internal PM will communicate to ensure that everything runs smoothly and effectively without hassle to the business. We seek to take the pain out of sometimes complex implementations and integrations.   

Our internal-external approach allows your staff to feel they are being supported by one of ‘the team’ and affords them the confidence to reach out to us if need be long after the installation is complete.  

What is the PRINCE2 Methodology? 

PRINCE2 is a project management methodology that emphasises organisation and control and is one of the most popular forms of project management in the world.  

The acronym PRINCE stands for “PRojects IN Controlled Environments.” This project management framework is linear and process-based, focusing on moving initiatives through predefined stages. 

  • It is a highly recognised form of project management: PRINCE2 method is recognised by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as a compatible methodology with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) and the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification
  • It is a good beginner methodology: If your team has never used any sort of project management methodology before, PRINCE2 is a good place to start. PRINCE2 is also a great way to teach your team members. It’s clear principles and phases can help guide your team through essential project management skills such as project planning, time management, and communication skills. 
  • It is extremely flexible: While the original PRINCE technique was built with IT in mind, PRINCE2 was built to accommodate any kind of project in any industry. One of the foundational principles of PRINCE2 is to use it as a framework, and not hard-set rules. It’s intended for you to bend it to your project’s needs. 

You Can Be Confident Your Project Is in Safe Hands with Our Project Manager’s Support  

With good quality project management software to support our project managers we can provide PRINCE2 methodology to support all different types of projects, be them small or large.  

With experienced support your project will run smoothly and be fully trackable. We have experience dealing with all levels of stakeholders and can either become part of your team for the duration of the project or work alongside your internal project team giving support for technical and accounting issues. 

Enable your Digital Future with Equinox  

With over 7+ years of experience and a team of highly skilled consultants, we offer a range of services to help your business grow and thrive. 

From end-to-end IT solutions to enterprise resource planning (ERP), we’re here to provide comprehensive support for your organisation.  

If you’re looking for the best, most flexible consultancy, give us a call. We offer fast service and competitive prices to help your business systems remain up-to-date and applicable.